TEHIC Fourth Transnational Meeting in Freiburg

The TEHIC project officially kicked off with a face-to-face meeting in Seville, organised by one of the Spanish partners, the IAPH, on 13 and 14 February 2023.
Call for Papers – TEHIC Final Conference on Heritage Interpretation [Closed]

The TEHIC Call for Papers is now closed!
TEHIC project is featured in KULT magazine

Released three times a year, KULT is aimed at professionals working with cultural heritage in museums, castles, gardens, tourist offices, and authorities.
TEHIC Conference on Museum Mediation and Heritage Interpretation

On the 5th of April, the Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência in Lisbon hosted the TEHIC Conference…
Third Transnational Project Meeting in Lisbon

On 4 and 5 April, the TEHIC team met for its third international meeting in Lisbon, hosted by the Portuguese partner, Mapa das Ideias.
Holding our 2nd Transnational Project Meeting in Zagreb

On the 25th and 26th of September, the whole TEHIC team met for its second international meeting…
Why heritage interpretation?

The claim that heritage has importance in its relationship with people and not only as an object of worship is not new.
Project featured in Revista PH 109

The Revista PH is a publication that aims to transfer knowledge that generates social value in the field of Ibero-American cultural heritage.
TEHIC in Seville: kick-off meeting

The TEHIC project officially kicked off with a face-to-face meeting in Seville, organised by one of the Spanish partners, the IAPH, on 13 and 14 February 2023.
Starting point

TEHIC -Towards a European Heritage Interpretation Curriculum- is a project funded by the EU Erasmus+ Programme with a duration of two and a half years.